Board Meeting Minutes for 12-09-2024
Town of Reedsburg Meeting Minutes
Monday, December 9, 2024
Monthly Town Board Meeting
at 7:00 pm at Town Hall
Present: Chad Allen, Rebecca Klitzke, Terri Connors, Becky Meyer, Kathy Schwartz, Brandon Wilmot
1. Chair, Chad Allen, Called Town Board Meeting to order with Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00pm.
2. Clerk, R. Meyer, Certified Open Meetings Law has been met in accordance with §985.02(2)(a) by being on the front door and on the town website.
3. Adopt Agenda. Motion by Klitzke / Connors to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
4. Approve minutes from previous meeting. Motion by Connors / Klitzke to approve the minutes from the November meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Anyone wishing to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda (No action can be taken) Max 3 minutes. No one spoke during open comment.
6. Christian Christner to present a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a farm rental and storage business at his residence on Grote Hill Rd. Christian Christner was not present at the Plan Commission meeting nor at Town Board meeting so no action taken.
7. Set Caucus Date in accordance with §8.05(1)(a). Motion by Connors / Klitzke to set the caucus date to January 13, 2025 at 6:45pm with the Town Board immediately following. Motion carried unanimously.
8. Discussion regarding dedication of Golf View Ct to a Town Road. Discussion took place regarding the dedication of Golf View Ct to a town road. Motion by Klitzke / Connors to accept the dedication of the paved portion of Golf View Ct to a Town Road. The remaining gravel portion is considered a residential driveway. Motion carried unanimously.
9. Discussion regarding the Town hall rental rates, security deposits and requirements. K. Schwartz presented comparisons on what other hall rental rates in the area are. Motion by Connors / Klitzke to change the rates as follows: Town hall rental rates - $100 / day, Refundable security deposit of $100, Tables - $10 each, Chairs - .75 / chair. New rates in effective on January 1st, 2025 for any new rentals.
10. Highway Report - Brandon Wilmot
1. Road Report – Did some sanding a few times, Stop sign was down on Twin Pine and CTY Rd K, put a temporary sign up so the County could replace it on their next work day. DMV put up a new sign with their hours. Received a quote for the new grates in the shop would be $2,000 from Tyler Tourdot. Will get other quotes from Grinders, Wisconsin Metals and Brady Peper and check with the county to find out where they would get things like this done.
2. Driveway Permits - None
3. Other comments (Garage / Hall, Cemeteries, Equipment, Plowing) - None
11. Chairman / Supervisor Reports and comments
1. Supervisor II - Terri Connors – Discussed putting on the May agenda about using foundry sand.
2. Supervisor I - Rebecca Klitzke – Reminder about not doing private sales any more. Did contact Dennis Butteris a couple times and sent emails. Went to the WTA meeting at the Baraboo Sauk County Highway shop. The next WTA meeting will be on February 20th at the Reedsburg Sauk County Highway shop and the Town of Reedsburg will provide the food. Pat Gavinski will reach out to the State about the trees at the Narrows Prairie cemetery. Spoke with DMV about updating their website. The correct website to use is and that information is correct and updated.
3. Chair - Chad Allen – There will be funding for grant writing for populations under 10,000. Received a letter about intent to cut for Joseph Coens.
12. Town Clerk - Becky Meyer
1. Assessor (Holloway Appraisal) Report – Nothing to Report
2. Building Inspector (GEC) Report
a) Troy Breneman @ E5541 County Rd S for an Addition to a Storage Shed
b) Chance Mueller @ E6042 County Rd S for a Storage Shed
c) Leslie Parrish @ E7261 Junction Rd for a Single-Family Residence
3. Monthly Vouchers- Motion by Connors / Klitzke to approve the monthly vouchers. Motion carried unanimously.
4. Other comments (Grants, FEMA, Conventions, Webinars, Trainings) – 2025 Elections dates have been announced as Tuesday, February 18, 2025 and Tuesday, April 1, 2025
13. Treasures Report - Kathy Schwartz
1. Deposits (ACH, Interest & Checks / Cash) $11,612.56 (Hall Rent - $381.56, Special Assessment Letters - $50, Sauk County Bridge Aid for Prairie View Bridge Payment - $10,970.00, Building Permits - $211)
2. Dog License – Dog tags were sent in.
3. Taxes – Payments are starting to come in.
4. Review Calendar Dates
1. Plan Commission – January 13, January 27,
2. Town Board – January 13, Feb. 10, March 10, April 14
3. Hall Rentals (DOT & 4H Club) – Many rentals in December.
4. Other comments - None
14. Anything else reasonably related to the agenda. (No action can be taken at this meeting). R. Klitzke mentioned that Board of Review training is at Glacier Canyon Lodge at Wilderness Resort in Wisconsin Dells on Saturday, February 8, 2025.
15. Adjourn. Motion by Klitzke / Connors to adjourn at 8:30pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Rebecca Lynn Meyer
Rebecca Meyer, Clerk