Board Meeting Minutes for 11-11-2024

Town of Reedsburg Agenda
Monday, November 11, 2024
Budget Hearing &
Monthly Town Board Meeting
at 7:00 pm at Town Hall

All Items on the agenda are listed for discussion and possible motion


  1. Call Meeting to order at 7:00 pm with Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Certify Open Meetings Law has been met in accordance with §985.02(2)(a)  & § 65.90(3)(a)
  3. Adopt Agenda
  4. Approve minutes from previous meeting
  5. Anyone wishing to speak about a topic that is not on the agenda (No action can be taken) Max 3 minutes.
  6. Regular Town Board Meeting Recessed
  7. Annual Budget Hearing called to order in accordance with § 65.90(1)
  8. Presentation of Town of Reedsburg 2025 Budget
  9. Annual Budget Hearing adjourned
  10. Regular Town Board meeting reconvened
  11. Discussion and possible motion to adopt the 2025 Budget. 
  12. Highway Report - Clark Thompson
    1. Road Report
      1. Completed Projects - Prairie View Bridge completed 03/01/2024 (Bridge Aid 90% submitted 03/2024, received 05/2024)
      2. Current Projects - Herritz Rd Resurface completed 08/05/2024 (LRIP - 70% Submitted)
      3. Future Projects - Herritz Rd 6/21/2024 Culvert Washout (Grant)
    2. Driveway Permits
    3. Mowings (Roadsides & Cemeteries) 
    4. Equipment Report
    5. Garage / Hall Report
    6. Other comments
  13. Chairman / Supervisor Reports and comments
    1. Supervisor II - Terri Connors
    2. Supervisor I - Rebecca Klitzke
    3. Chair - Chad Allen
  14. Town Clerk - Becky Meyer
    1. Assessor (Holloway Appraisal) Report
    2. Building Inspector (GEC) Report
    3. Monthly Vouchers
    4. Budget 
    5. Elections
    6. Other comments (Grants, FEMA, Conventions, Webinars, Trainings)
  15. Treasures Report - Kathy Schwartz
    1. Deposits (ACH, Interest & Checks / Cash)
    2. Dog License
    3. Taxes
    4. Review Calendar Dates
      1. Plan Commission
      2. Town Board
      3. Election
      4. Hall Rentals
        1. DOT
        2. 4H Club
    5. Other comments
  16. Anything else reasonably related to the agenda. (No action can be taken at this meeting)
  17. Adjourn

    Rebecca Meyer, Clerk   

    DATE NOTICE POSTED:  Friday, September 6, 2024 at Town Hall Front Door and on Town Website
    PREPARED BY:  Clerk, Rebecca Meyer, approved by Chair, Chad Allen

    Wis. Stat. §985.02(2)(a)  The governing body of a municipality may elect to post in at least one public place likely to give notice to persons affected and placed electronically on an Internet site maintained by the municipality

    Wis. Stat. § 65.90(3)(a) A summary of the budget required under sub. (1) or authorized under sub. (1m) and notice of the place where the budget in detail is available for public inspection and notice of the time and place for holding the public hearing thereon shall be published as a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, in the municipality at least 15 days prior to the time of the public hearing.

    Wis. Stat. § 65.90(1) Every municipality shall annually, prior to the determination of the sum to be financed in whole or in part by a general property tax, funds on hand or estimated revenues from any source, formulate a budget and hold public hearings thereon..

    It is possible that a quorum of the Town of Reedsburg board members will be at various other meetings through the year to gather information about subjects they have decision-making responsibility. This governing body, known as the Town of Reedsburg Town Board, will not exercise any responsibilities, authority, or duties regarding formal actions during these various other meetings  The Town Board will only take formal actions on topics that are presented on the monthly Town Board meeting agenda unless a special town meeting is held for time sensitive decision making.  All decision making meetings and agenda notices will be posted on the Town Hall front door and the Town website within the legal timeframe alloted for such meetings. 

    NOTE:  Any person who has a qualifying disability that requires the meeting or materials at the meeting to be in an accessible location or format should contact Town of Reedsburg Clerk at (608)524-3999 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting so that reasonable arrangements can be made to accommodate each request

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